Nathiagali to Miranjani to Dagri Bangla Track. It is a 24 Km track round trip, which starts from Nathiagali, goes through Miranjani Peak which leads to a thick and quite forest which takes you to Dagri Bangla. Dagri Bangla is a camping spot and seeing the sunset there is a beautiful sight. If you live in Islamabad and love outdoors then you will love this track.
We started the track at around 12 o'clock and got to the camping site at 4.30. The hike till Miranjani is a little tough due to steep ascend. From Miranjani to Dagri its a beautiful walk in the forest with lovely landscape. If you are going to follow the track then remember to take excessive drinking water with you as it is not available on the way. Do bring all your trash back with you as there is no one there to clean it up. Enjoy the pictures from the track.
Layers of mountains make an exceptional view |
Sunset in the valley is a spectacular view |
Dagri Bangla |
Sunset as seen from Dagri Bangla |
Sun setting at Dagri Bangla |
Bon fire |
View from Miran Jani Peak |